Original double sided Teaser UK 1 Sheet Poster for the 2016 Tim Miller Canadian/U.S. Marvel Comics science fiction comic book superhero action adventure comedy thriller.
Note that this is a teaser poster (note the complete lack of credits on the poster). Finally, note that this is a double-sided poster. From the 1990s on, movie posters were often made in double-sided versions (for use in light boxes). Note that the image on the reverse is a mirror image of the image on the front!
Film Category: Science Fiction
Actor / Actresses: Ryan Reynolds (in the title role as Wade Wilson/Deadpool), Morena Baccarin, Rachel Sheen (as Angel Dust), Ed Skrein (as Ajax), Stefan Kapicic (as Colossus), and Brianna Hildebrand (as Negasonic Teenage Warhead)
Poster Type: UK 1 Sheet 27 x 40"
Condition: Fine Rolled
Year: 2016