An original "Country of Origin" UK Quad poster for the 1981 John Boorman English/U.S. Camelot sword-and-sorcery Knights-of-the-Round-Table medieval fantasy adventure thriller - "Forged by a god. Foretold by a wizard. Found by a King."; "Adapted from Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur by Rospo Pallenberg". Excalibur was filmed in 1980 on-location in County Wicklow, County Tipperary, and County Kerry, Ireland with the interiors shot at Ardmore Studios. The costumes were designed by Bob Ringwood. The armor was designed by Terry English.
Film Category: Adventure
Actor / Actresses:s Nigel Terry (as King Arthur), Helen Mirren (as Morgana), Nicholas Clay (as Lancelot), Cherie Lunghi (as Guenevere), Paul Geoffrey (as Perceval), Nicol Williamson (as Merlin), Gabriel Byrne (as Uther Pendragon), Patrick Stewart (as Leondegrance), Liam Neeson (as Gawain), Robert Addie (as Mordred), and Katrine Boorman (as Igrayne)
Poster Type: UK Quad 30 " x 40"
Condition: Fine folded condition, some wear
Artist : Bob Peak
Year: 1981