Wild on the Beach
An original US 1 Sheet poster for the 1965 Maury Dexter teen rock 'n roll music dance comedy - "They rented a beach house... and They rented the Same beach house..."; "-and now it's Wild on the Beach"; "When guys & gals rent the same beach house..."; "Hear 11 great songs as your favorite recording swingers get with the big beat!!"; "Hear 11 big beat songs!"; "From an Original Story by Hank Tany"
Film Category: Musical
Actor / Actresses:Frankie Randall, Sherry Jackson, Gayle Caldwell & Jackie Miller (billed as "Jackie & Gayle"), Sonny & Cher, The Astronauts, Cindy Malone, and Sandy Nelson
Poster Type: US 1 Sheet 27 " x 41"
Condition: Fine folded condition
Year: 1965